When you see the dialog which reads "Please download management program.re-run the software!",click "OK",and this image means that the digimaster III was not registered and can't be used,because a tested one won't show this error.After you start the digimaster III,there will show a window of "Basic Information" which includes the remainning tokens, BIOS Info, Protocol Version, Program Info, Version, Protocol Version and the Device ID.
To adjust the mileage with the digimaster III,first,you should check the vehicle list and find out its basic information,get the right adapter.Then click the "Meter System" on the digimaster III display screen,and select the car series and the car.When it displays the chip model,just to remove the instrument and find the corresponding chip model.When you remove the chip,you should be careful don't seperate the chip angle and don't cause the short-circuit.Then please insert the chip in the right position and connect the adapter.Click the "Next" and read out the chip mileage,there will show the "Current mileage xxKM,Confirm to adjust?",click "Yes" and you can adjust the mileage value you want,after you write down the adjusting mileage and click "OK" there will show "Write Data Succeed!"
Go back and click the "Read mileage" to check the current mileage value,see if it has been changed and shows the data you wrote down.